Today is Thursday
13 February 2025

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Dear sirs!

If you the organization, the businessman, the interested person concerning business on the lake Bann or only are going to open the business, you got to the address.

 We offer you ample opportunities on advance of your business and involvement of new clients. If you want to lease housing, or to involve in the restaurant/cafe more visitors, we will help you. If you work in the sphere of entertainments and want to draw to yourself attention of bigger number of people, we as will help you. I will eat also housing rent, restaurants of cafe of a point of a food, disco concerts флешмобы excursions outdoors these are those directions in which you can advance the business through our portal. Be registered on a site add the institutions, entertainments, actions, discounts and about them all Magnitogorsk learns. Constantly growing number of visitors of a site which look for information on rest or plan rest on Bann, becomes your main advantage before competitors.